From week 43 to week 45
This fall, Schoneveld Breeding opens its doors to growers and retailers during nan Open Days, from week 43 to week 45. According to nan breeder, nan cleanable opportunity to witnesser nan merchandise scope successful afloat bloom.
During these unfastened days, Schoneveld Breeding will coming nan pursuing products:
Super Series Cyclamen: "Known for its apical quality, diversity, and vibrant colors. A item is nan Super Serie Fusion, featuring a bi-color pattern—a existent eye-catcher for unit displays."
Gerbera 'Joybera' and Gaultheria 'Ciao Bella': "Two eye-catching varieties that adhd colour to nan season, offering exceptional ornamental worth and commercialized potential."
'Illusia': "A striking caller assortment pinch a unsocial flower style and exceptional support life. This works is guaranteed to guidelines out."
Super Series Dragon F1: "An absolute first! While nan charismatic motorboat is scheduled for FlowerTrials 2025, visitors to nan Open Days will get an exclusive sneak peek astatine nan world's first 'blue' cyclamen. A groundbreaking invention successful nan Cyclamen world."
The Open Days will return spot astatine nan location: PlantXperience, Sluinerweg 15 successful Wilp, nan Netherlands.
To optimize your visit, you are invited to schedule an assignment successful beforehand pinch 1 of nan area managers aliases increasing supporters. Click to do truthful here.
For much information:
Schoneveld Breeding