In their committedness to amended their value and service, Lazzeri Genetica s.a.s. has reorganized nan distribution of their proprietary Duna ColorBlast portulacas successful North America. As of July 1, 2024, Westhoff GmbH is nary longer authorized to beforehand aliases administer Duna ColorBlast portulacas. Instead, for nan afloat collection, you tin interaction Vivero International. If you're only willing successful nan Double varieties of nan Duna ColorBlast series, Quality Cuttings Team (Flora Plant) and/or Plant Source International tin assistance you.
Lazzeri Genetica s.a.s. highlights that some nan Duna ColorBlast varieties and nan sanction Duna ColorBlast are registered trademarks successful nan USA and nan EU nether Lazzeri. Royal Administration International Inc. (RAI) manages and oversees licensing for Lazzeri Genetica s.a.s.
Duna ColorBlast Gold
"We are besides excited to stock that, owed to nan occurrence of nan Duna ColorBlast series, our breeders proceed to dedicate important power and resources to expanding and enhancing nan line. This year, their efforts person resulted successful nan preamble of 3 caller products, pinch much breathtaking releases planned for nan future. Thank you for choosing nan original Duna ColorBlast. We wish each producers a successful play ahead."
For much information:
Genetica Lazzeri
Vivero Internacional
Plant Source International
Quality Cuttings Team