Germany: Good sales continue for Veiling Rhein-Maas in 3rd quarter

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Veiling Rhein-Maas' merchandise income astatine nan extremity of nan 3rd 4th of 2024 presently full EUR 331 million, almost reaching nan precocious level of nan erstwhile year. Just for illustration successful nan first 2 quarters, Veiling Rhein-Maas' business capacity successful nan past 3 months was characterized by bully mean prices and a somewhat little merchandise scope crossed each income channels. "Despite nan challenging upwind conditions successful nan important 2nd quarter, our merchandise income are almost astatine nan aforesaid level arsenic past year. We are truthful optimistic astir nan last months of 2024. For nan coming year, we are counting connected nan imaginable of our marketplace being realized moreover further acknowledgment to nan somewhat much favorable upwind conditions overall. We person besides utilized nan past fewer months pinch nan changes astir Hall N intensively to push up pinch our 'Standort 2025' project," explains Günther Esser and Cees Hoekstra, Managing Directors of Veiling Rhein-Maas.

Sales situation
Sales of trim flowers astatine auction astatine nan extremity of nan 3rd 4th were somewhat higher than successful nan erstwhile year. This is because little volumes were offset by stable, bully demand. This resulted successful precocious mean prices and higher income than successful nan erstwhile year. In September, nan measurement of trim flowers delivered was little than successful nan erstwhile year, particularly for roses. This was owed to nan different people of nan rainy play successful East Africa. This resulted successful higher mean prices for roses than successful nan erstwhile year.

There were fewer changes successful nan auctioning of potted plants successful nan 3rd 4th compared to erstwhile quarters. Overall, nan number of items sold was somewhat higher than successful nan erstwhile twelvemonth and nan precocious mean prices helped income to almost lucifer nan erstwhile year's level. Due to nan summertime temperatures which lasted until almost nan extremity of September, nan changeover from summertime to autumn products was slower than accustomed this year. As a result, request for emblematic autumn products specified arsenic bully value chrysanthemum bushes and cyclamen has been somewhat little complete caller months. Overall, however, nan cookware works twelvemonth astatine nan auction is performing likewise good to 2023.

Sales via integer channels - distant buying, timepiece pre-sales, and webshop - stay unchangeable astatine nan precocious level of erstwhile months. More than half of Veiling Rhein-Maas' customers now return portion successful nan auction online and truthful from extracurricular nan region.

Site Changes
The further abstraction successful Hall N, which was taken complete by Veiling Rhein-Maas, increases nan scope for implementing nan 'Standort 2025' strategy, which intends to make nan marketplace successful Straelen-Herongen much charismatic for nan future. In nan meantime, nan Import Department and Service Centre person moved to Hall N. Despite nan move, some departments person managed to guarantee nan continuity of their processes while maintaining accumulation and ordering without interruption. With its 10,000 quadrate meters of space, nan caller hallway opens up much possibilities and imaginable for some departments to connection customers and suppliers moreover amended work from Hall N. The abstraction successful Halls L and M freed up by nan move will beryllium re-rented and gradually taken complete by nan respective renting customers complete nan coming months.

Further improvement of nan Veiling Rhein-Maas portal
New functions for suppliers person been added to nan Veiling Rhein-Maas portal. Since October, nan portal has been disposable to suppliers of potted plants arsenic nan sole transmission for submitting their transportation notifications. In addition, timepiece pre-sales prices and - if desired – grower minimum prices tin beryllium group successful nan portal. The portal besides contains documents specified arsenic play statements, regular results, and truthful on, which tin beryllium viewed aliases downloaded.

Customer and Supplier Day connected 14 January 2025
The adjacent Veiling Rhein-Maas Customer and Supplier Day will return spot connected 14 January 2025 successful Straelen-Herongen. The arena has go a celebrated manufacture level for sharing information, drafting inspiration, and exchanging opinions. It's besides a awesome opportunity for a friends get-together astatine nan opening of nan year. The attraction of nan Customer and Supplier Day 2025 will beryllium nan very first predetermination of nan Customers and Suppliers of nan Year.

Trade adjacent activities
On 22 August 2024, Veiling Rhein-Maas attended Florall successful Waregem, nan waste and acquisition adjacent for ornamental plants and character nursery plants successful Belgium. Many successful discussions were held location pinch existing and imaginable partners. Veiling Rhein-Maas' adjacent waste and acquisition adjacent quality will beryllium from 5 to 7 November 2024 astatine nan Trade Fair Aalsmeer successful nan Netherlands, wherever they will person their ain stand.

Source: Veiling Rhein-Maas.